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villaamrita : Villa Amrita
With an increase in tourism and other activities in Bali, the demand for villas has also been increasing steadily and all types of villas can be found in Bali for various purposes like holidays and can also be taken on rentals. Luxury villas are also available and these have many facilities including swimming pools.

** బ్లాగు పంచుకునేందుకు **

సాధారణ సమాచారం


సృష్టి: 22/09/2012 04:56
నవీకరించు: 03/10/2012 09:36
వ్యాసాలు 2
చిత్రాలు 1
వారం యొక్క సందర్శనల 1934
మొత్తం సందర్శనల 638

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villaamrita :: Villa Amrita

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif వ్యాసం: Villa Amrita Strives for Excellence - 22/09/2012 05:44

Villa Amrita strives to continually meet the high expectation we have set for it, by taking every step to improve and refine the environment, amenities, experience and service for our guests. We wanted to build something that combines the best of everything so that visitors would have a remarkable and unforgettable time and desire to come back again. The desire to create something that goes beyond what you would find at other resorts in Bali and Ubud is a challenge, but also a magnificent obsession. We want to differentiate ourselves as a leader in the area. We recently discovered a few areas that needed some special attention in order to enhance guest experience. We saw that the original designs of our soap, shower gel and shampoo containers were not optimal. The materials used in the construction were also not ideal and begged to be changed. We studied this problem and set out to find a professional who could provide us the right solution. After a lot of calling, researching and talking to our peers we discovered a fantastic consultant and supplier of all sorts of hospitality industry goods to the Bali resorts, villas, hotels and other accommodations on the island. We have replaced these containers with the right size, shape and type of material making it attractive and convenient in the bathroom. In order to maintain our appeal and to create the most luxurious and elegant environment, we purchased high quality terry cloth bathrobes for our guests to wear while staying in Villa Amrita. After personally visiting over 550+ hotels and villas across the entire island of Bali, we have seen practically everything there is to see on the island. We know who has what and where the best quality and value for money can be found. We know that an exceptional Ubud villas like Villa Amrita must have warm, soft and comfortable bathrobes so that guests can experience the highest level of indulgence. We also purchased custom walnut luggage racks for each room. These extra tall, foldable luggage racks are made of high quality wood and leather and have a built in shoe rack at the bottom. After a few initial visits by our guests, we noticed that having an elevated location to place your suitcase on its side so that it may be accessed quickly and easily is very important. There are places to put the luggage, but nothing is nicer than having it properly elevated and in a location you desire so that you may arrange your things how you like. Offering a contingency for almost any situation is important to Villa Amrita as one of the top notch options of Ubud accommodation. We are mindful that guests enjoy having clean, white and fluffy hand and body towels. We have procured a number of new towels to augment our supply so that we avoid having any problem. Villa Amrita guests have highs standards that we wish to meet. There is nothing like the feeling of fresh, soft and bright white towels (and plenty of them) on hand. This goes for other linen like napkins, place mates, curtains and table cloths. We realize these small touches make a difference. Villa Amrita is not a cheap Ubud accommodation.  Villa Amrita wants to raise the bar for Ubud villas. We wish to build a loyal following of repeat guests who come back to us each year to enjoy the dynamic, fun, interesting and fulfilling vacation experience in Ubud and throughout Bali.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif వ్యాసం: The Newest Addition to Villa Amrita - 03/10/2012 09:36

The Newest Addition to Villa Amrita
After nearly 9 full months of operating Villa Amrita, we have begun to understand that a treasure is really not a treasure until or unless it can be seen, experienced, consumed or shared by many people. A beautiful work of art, a flashy sports car or even a special person or place cannot really be fully appreciated unless it (or he/she) can be accessed or seen by more people who find it remarkable, exceptional or realize its value. In this day and age the most effective and quickest way to advertise and promote something great is to share with many people through social media. Facebook, Twitter, G+, Reddit, Yelp, Foursquare, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr and so many others are the newspaper and TV ads of the cyber age. We know that people find some something they might like by seeing and learning what others like. Peer reviews are more accessible, and therefore more effective than ever before.  We know that almost anyone who visits Villa Amrita is going to be impressed by the beauty, comfort and access to so many activities, nice people and great foods. It is hard to not like staying here. That is why we want to try to get the word out. Bali has been a popular travel destination or many years, but some of the greatest spots on the island are little known. The Conrad, Hard rock Bali and the W are famous chain hotels, but they still sometimes lack that “wow” factor. These hotels can be fun and lovely, but there is nothing like visiting a place and staying in your own private home – Bali villas.    In an effort to do our best to share the value and wonder of Villa Amrita, we have made another small investment. We purchased the Ice Appliance Ice Cream Maker Pro for the villa. See the video and description here: This professional machine makes creating tasty ice cream simple and quick. No need for days of preparation or to wait overnight, this little contraption yields the soft, delicious desert in one hour. With no need for special tools, chemicals, salt and with no sound, the Ice Cream maker cranks out your favorite flavor in no time flat. We will begin making ice cream in various flavors for our Villa Amrita guests for free in October. We have many plans to eventually make fresh ice cream with fruits from our own garden, such as lime, mango, papaya, mangosteen, banana and others. The possibilities are limitless. We can visit Big Tree Farms and buy some organic cocoa beans and add raw sugar, organic eggs, fresh milk and perhaps some mint from our garden! By offering a scrumptious, free dessert for our guests, we want to encourage our guests to share good times. In return for free homemade ice cream we ask that Villa Amrita guests share with us their best photos of fun, family and romance at and around the Villa. Come and post on our Face book page  and email your photos to  Give us your feedback, share with us (and your friends) the good times you are having on your vacation at Villa Amrita in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. Email your photos to us so we can create a cool collage of images that represent the magic and exclusivity. Help us to get the word out. By encouraging the most valuable commodity - user generated content, we do the best we can to promote the coolest Ubud villa in Bali!